Saturday, October 5, 2019

Food Packing

Food Packaging in Developing Countries - Situation and Trends


Volume of Exchanges

In developing countries, the packaging market amounts to US $ 15.4 billion, which represents about 27 percent of the packaging materials exported to the world during the last five years (2005-2009) and includes glass, paper, plastic, and wood. In value, plastic materials rank first in imports (US $ 9.5 billion), followed by paper (US $ 4.0 billion), glass (US $ 1.6 billion) and timber,(US $ 0.3 billion) is low by comparison.
For paper, plastic, and wood, the value share of the market economies developed in the packaging trade of developing market economies is roughly equivalent to that of trade between developing countries in this sector. For glass, the share of savings in development is even higher than in developed countries. These data show that
developing countries are almost in the same position as developed economies on the packaging materials market. This is partly due to the fact that most companies in the packaging sector of a developed market, economies are also established in developing market economies. This can also be explained by the fact that the evolution of the packaging market in developing market economies is also a reflection of demand products in developed market economies, the former providing the seconds, at least for most agricultural products.
Satisfaction of the needs of the sectors

Food Packing Boxes
Food Packing Boxes

The supply of packaged ready-to-eat cereal-based products and the processing of roots and tubers in snack foods, for example, are trends that increase market opportunities not only of these products but also of their packaging. The fact that we are moving towards local processing of traditional export products and market introduction world of new packaged consumer products from developing countries will require exporters to pay more attention to the demands of consumers in industrialized countries.

Market Access and Integration in Sustainable Value Chains

Modern retailers such as supermarkets play an increasingly important role in urban areas, reflecting the growing concentration of retail trade. The little ones operators are not all able to supply the new distribution, so are they starting to wonder about the best way to survive in traditional markets subject to the ripple effect new players in the retail trade. They must adapt both to the increase in the level of
quality of products and packaging that traditional markets need if they want these remain their most sustainable outlet in the value chain.

Determinants and Trends of Packaging Techniques

Food Packing Boxes
Food Packing Boxes
The upward the trend in consumption (driven by rising incomes) creates demand leading producers to offer Food Packing Boxes for packaged products ready for shipment and longer shelf life to encourage bulk purchases. Products offered in easy-to-open and resalable packaging are highly appreciated because cooking takes time and there are more and more households in which both adults who work, which means that women are also engaged in activities outside the home and that men are supposed to participate in the preparation of meals.

Regional Dimensions of Growth

Since the demand for packaging depends on that of the products for which it is used, the best way to assess the situation of the packaging sector and its importance in developing countries is to look at the state of play in the food and food processing sectors food. The factors that contribute to the development of the packaging sector is diverse and differ from one region to another.

In Asia, for example, the rapidly growing economies of China and India are competing to increase the demand for food and thus the demand for packaging in the region. Of the Similarly, the sub-region of Southeast Asia has seen its processed food sector grow

Food Packaging in Developing Countries - Situation and Trends

Food Packing Boxes
Food Packing Boxes

very quickly as a result of the modernization of the lifestyle and changing dietary needs of it's inhabitants.
In Africa, the proximity and openness of the lucrative markets of the United States and Europe stimulates the growth of the packaging sector.
In The Middle East, the reduction of dependence on the oil sector, coupled with the need to develop other sectors to ensure the survival of the economy, is the main factor stimulation of the packaging sector. The growth of the sector is further facilitated by trade policies
countries that promote exports of products from the region to developed countries, which leads to increased demand for packaging products and techniques. In Latin America, national policies (deregulation of markets and free trade agreements, for example) and the orientations adopted in the context of development programs affect the growth of the packaging sector.

State of Regional Development

The situation of the packaging sector varies from one region to another and within each region because its growth depends on regional economic development and the possibilities of production and marketing of the main products.
SWOT analysis reveals a sector of packaging relatively young, with high growth potential and supported by an agricultural sector promising. Despite favorable prospects, the agricultural sector is globally underdeveloped, often slow to adapt to new techniques and handicapped by structural deficiencies, as many factors that limit its ability to exploit export opportunities. As a result, the sectors both packaging and agriculture need strong infrastructure support and facilities, an imperative condition for continued sustained development.
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1 comment:

  1. Nice post. Well what can I say is that these is an interesting and very informative topic on disposable food packaging materials
